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Motor vehicles

Motor vehicle trailers

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10 Years Kfz. der Wehrmacht - 20th July 2008 to 20th July 2018






Welcome to “Kfz. of the Wehrmacht”






The site deals with the motor vehicles which were used by the German Reichswehr and Wehrmacht and other services of the German Reich before and during World War II. Motorcycles, passenger cars, lorries, motor buses as well as wheeled and tracked tractors and half track vehicles are treated. In addition, armoured wheeled and half track vehicles as well as trailers and horse drawn vehicles are considered, too. Both the vehicles developed by the army as well as confiscated civilian vehicles are to be found here. The large number of captured motor vehicles will be treated here, too. Because of the vast variety of types - especially of captured and formerly civilian motor vehicles - this site does not claim to cover the complete range of information on this topic!






The focus of this site is the presentation of historical pictorial material. Because the featured photographs were almost exclusively taken by soldiers during their tour of duty, unfavourable perspectives or unsatisfactory quality must be accepted in some cases. In the case that no private photos could be found, these photos are complemented by photos of the German federal archive, the National Archives and Records Administration and from historical manuals etc. Some basic information is given for the vehicles included in this website, if known. A presentation of a complet compilation of technical data is not planned so far.






Commercial usage of the photos shown here is forbidden! The photos may be downloaded, however, for private use. If you are interested in one or more photos of my collection for publication, please contact me via email.
Exception: The German federal archive donated about 100,000 photos to Wikimedia Commons at free disposal. It is allowed to use these photos for free with respect to the Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb license restrictions. Therefore I point out, that all photos of the German federal archive which were modified by me and are shown on this site can be used by everyone for free under respect of the mentioned license restrictions.






I explicitly distance myself from any extremist political or religious conviction! The goal of this site is the study of military and civilian technological history - not the glorification of any kind of violence or political or religious convictions. In addition, the use of this site is only authorised within the spirit of the articles of law 86 and 86a of the German criminal code (StGb) – see Haftungsausschluss in German language! Symbols of the Nazi regime which could be seen on some photos were blackened out on German legal grounds. Persons who don’t accept this are unwanted here!






There will be some updates on Kfz. Der Wehrmacht from time to time. Please look at “What’s new” to see what is new or changed on the site. Now I hope you have fun exploring this site!






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