




19/100 PS Audi Type R



Audi Typ R 19-100 PS, WH-332345, 01-1941, Georgens via Hoppe



145 exemplars of the 19/100 PS Audi type R were made from 1928 to 1932. Beginning in 1930, it carried the additional name Imperator. It was propelled by a 100 HP eight-cylinder engine. This 19/100 PS Audi type R was used by a unit of the Wehrmacht. The photo was made in January 1941.









This Audi police personnel carrier could be a 19/100 PS Type R, too. An exact identification is difficult because Audi manufactured special police cars for the Saxon police which differed strongly from the serial models. Note the newly applied camouflage finish and the Wehrmacht uniforms of the crew. Possibly the photo was made during the re-structuring from the Reichswehr to the Wehrmacht. The vehicle on the left side is a rare passenger car of the brand Elite.






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