




Gepanzerte Kraftwagen (Gp. Kp.)
Gepanzerte Kraftwagen (Sd. Kfz. 3)






The Reichswehr was allowed to have 105 Straßenpanzerkraftwagen by the victorious powers, which were already developed by Krupp and Daimler during World War I. With the order published in the H.V.Bl. 1922, No. 24 from 20th May 1922, serial No. 317 the vehicles were renamed to Gepanzerte Kraftwagen (Gp. Kw.). The designation Sd. Kfz. 3 was assigned in the early 1930s. It seems, that only 40 to 45 exemplars of these vehicles were procured. (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)









Against the specifications of the victorious powers, these vehicles could be armed with four machine guns. This gepanzerte Kraftwagen was armed with one MG 08. According to the H.V.Bl. 1931, No. 27 from 14th September 1931, ser. No. 484, the vehicles should be equipped with solid rubber tyres after the older tyres were worn out. (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)






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