The Schneekufen - snow skids - 102, 103 and 159 were very similar constructed. They differed mainly by their size. They could be mounted to not driven wheels of trailers and motor vehicles. The Schneekufe 102 had a length of 166 cm and a width of 13 cm. Besides others, tt was used for the trailer types A1 and A2 and their derivates. For the VW Type 82, the Schneekufe 102 could be used, too. The Schneekufe 103 had a length of 220 cm and a width of 22 cm. It was used for the trailer type B2 and its derivates as well as for different 3 ton lorries. The Schneekufe 159 had the same measurements as the Schneekufe 103 but had a higher mounting for the wheel. It was used for medium and heavy passenger cars. (Image from D.(Luft)T. 8800/5)