The trader Siegfried Bettmann emigrated to Great Britain in 1884 and founded a company for the production of cycles. From this company, the Triumph Motorcycles Ltd. arose. In the year 1896, he founded a subsidiary company for the production of cycles in his hometown Nuremberg. The first motorcycles were manufactured between 1903 and 1907. In the year 1911, the company was renamed into Triumph Werke Nürnberg AG (T.W.N.). In 1913, the company was seperated from the parent company. Commencing in 1919, motorcycles were manufactured again. In the 1920s, four-stroke engines were bought from the British Triumph company. Starting in 1930, four-stroke engines of the Swiss company Motosacoche (M.A.G.) replaced the Triumph engines. Starting in the mid 1930s, own developed two-stroke engines were used more and more. The production of four-stroke models ended in 1938. Because of the Schell-Plan, only the Triumph BD 250 W was manufactured during World War II.