




Krupp O 3,5 N 42 / 162 & OD 3,5 N 22 / 32 / 132 Omnibuses



KOM Krupp O 3,5 N RP-OT, vor Saarburg 1940, Rogge via Hoppe



The Krupp O 3,5 N 42 / 162 omnibus could be differentiated from the model with diesel engine by the missing bulge in the right side plate of the engine bonnet. The illustrated omnibuses were used by Organisation Todt. The photo was made near Saarburg in 1940.









This Krupp OD 3,5 N 22 / 32 / 132 bus got off the road on icy ground and had to be pushed. It was propelled by a two-cylinder, four-stroke diesel engine of the make Junkers. Note the three Krupp rings and the Junkers angel on the radiator grille.









This Krupp bus is most probably a vehicle based on the Krupp O/OD 3,5 chassis, too. The car body originates from an unknown car body manufacturer.






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