




leichter geländegängiger Zugkraftwagen (Sd. Kfz. 6 & 6/1)
type BN l 5 and DB l 5 respectively
mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 5t (Sd. Kfz. 6 & 6/1) type BN l 7 & DB l 7






The first real serial model of the leichte geländegängige Zugkraftwagen (Sd. Kfz. 6 & 6/1), the type BN l 5 resp. DB l 5, was introduced in 1935. Compared to the predecessor model KM l 4 resp. BN l 4, the track drive assembly was lengthened by an additional pair of road wheels.









The successor model BN l 7 resp. DB l 7 was introduced in 1936. Outwardly, it was identical to the predecessor model BN l 5. The whole design of the types BN l 5 and BN l 7 was completely reworked and corresponded to the standardised design of the German half track vehicles to a large extent. In early 1937, the final designation mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 5t (Sd. Kfz. 6 & 6/1) was assigned.






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