




Büssing-NAG Type 350 / 375 / 400






The first model of the 3.5 ton lorry Büssing-NAG type 350 was made from 1933 to 1936. It was offered with petrol and diesel engines.






Büssing-NAG 350 Kasten Funk, bei Pol, Aubrat via Hoppe



Another Büssing-NAG type 350 or 375, this time with closed superstructure. The illustrated vehicle was used by a unit of the police as radio motor vehicle.









The redesigned Büssing-NAG types 350, 375 and 400 for a payload of 3.5, 3.75 respectively 4 tons were similar to the larger type 500. They were manufactured from 1936 to 1937 - the type 400 until 1939. The illustrated vehicle belonged to Pionier Bataillon 88 of the 46. Infanterie Division.









There was no gap between the mudguard and the bumper in the case of the types 350/400 but the type 500 had one. The headlights were mounted on the mudguards and the driver’s cab had a different shape. The engine bonnet of the type 400 was noticeable longer than that of the type 350.









Obviously, the Wehrmacht procured some exemplars of the Büssing-NAG type 400. These vehicles had the open standard driver’s cab of the Wehrmacht.






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