




Lastkraftwagen 2t, offen






Commercial lorries with a payload of about 2 tons were classified as Lastkraftwagen 2t, offen. In the second half of the war, these were mainly vehicles of French manufacturers because the German industry manufactured only a few vehicles of this class at that time. The Peugeot DMA (upper photo) and the Renault AHS (lower photo) were manufactured in large numbers. There was also a model in the 2 tons payload class from Citroen.









The usage was determined in the appropriate K.St.N. The assembly of possibly necessary special equipment was done by the troop. The Lastkraftwagen 2t, offen was for example used for the transportation of baggage, rations and fuel but also as anti aircraft vehicle and for motor vehicle maintenance squads.






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<< back to the simplified system as of 1943











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