Lastkraftwagen für Werkstattgerät [m. gl. Lkw., off. (o)]
Besides the Werkstattkraftwagen (Kfz. 79) (behind), each one Lastkraftwagen für Werkstattgerät (ahead) was available in the Kraftwagenwerkstattzüge- motor vehicle workshop platoons -, the Panzerwerkstattzüge - armour workshop platoons -, the Werkstattkompanien - workshop companies - (mot.) and the Panzerwerkstattkompanien - armour workshop companies.
On the Lkw. für Werkstattgerät various items of equipment, like for example a Feldschmiede - battlefield forge -, a Portalkran - gantry crane -, a hydraulische Presse - hydraulic press -, a Motorrad-Hebebühne - motorcycle hoist - and a Motormontagebock - engine mounting rack - were carried along.
According to the D 623/3 from 15th June 1942, an Opel Blitz 3.6 6700 A with platform superstructure should be used as Lkw. für Werkstattgerät - lorry for workshop equipment - of the Kfz. Instandsetzungsgruppe. The image illustrates the completely loaded vehicle. (Image from D 623/3)
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