




Truppenluftschutzkraftwagen (Kfz. 4)
mit Einheitsfahrgestell I für l. Pkw.,
mit Einheitsfahrgestell I für l. Pkw. Typ 40,
mit Fahrgestell des m. Pkw. (o),
mit Fahrgestell des l. Lkw. (o)
& mit Fahrgestell des l. gl. Lkw. (o)



l E-Pkw Kfz 4, rückwärts feuernd, Hoppe



The Truppenluftschutzkraftwagen - troop air raid protection motor vehicle - (Kfz. 4), abbreviated Tr. Luftsch. Kw. (Kfz. 4), had a similar car body like the l. gl. Pkw. (Kfz. 1) with a vertical rear side and four doors. It had no equipment box at the rear so that the Zwillingslafette 36 - dual mount 36 - could be mounted inside of the vehicle. The Tr. Luftsch. Kw. (Kfz. 4) was officially introduced end of February 1938.









Amunition was stored in the boxes over the rear wheels. The Zwillingslafette 36 could be rotated 360°. A folded leichter Dreifuß 34 - light tripod 34 - was stored at the rear of the car body. With the tripod, one MG 34 could be used outside of the vehicle for air protection.









The Zwillingslafette 36 could be mounted on a wide range of different vehicles. There is photographic evidence for the m. Pkw. (o) - medium passenger car (commercial) - Wanderer W 11, the l. Lkw. (o) - light lorry (commercial) - Adler W 61 and the l. gl. Lkw. (o) - light cross-country lorries (commercial) - Magirus M 206 and Steyr 1500 A.






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