The Motorspritze als Anhänger (1 achs.) fahrbar (o) (according to D 600 from 10th April 1940) – a mobile fire tank wagon as trailer – was propelled by a 14.5 HP engine. The pump had a capacity of 400 to 600 litres per minute. Officially, it was introduced with the H.V.Bl. Teil B, Blatt 16 from 11th August 1938, No. 288, as Motorspritze, als Anhänger (1achsig), fahrbar, für die Reinigung von Pz. Kpfw. In the H.V.Bl. 1941, Teil B, Blatt 7 from 10th April 1941, No. 226, it was pointed out that only a few Motorspritzen were available in the H. Za. Magdeburg and that no further will be procured during the war. (Image from D 600)