




schweres Anhängerfahrgestell B 3, dreiachsig, geländegängig, 4,5t






The schweres Anhängerfahrgestell B 3, dreiachsig, 4,5t - heavy trailer chassis B 3, three-axle, 4.5 ton - had a weight of 1,600 kg and a frame loading capacity of 5,900 kg. It was a standardised chassis of the Luftwaffe. Following trailers were based on this chassis:

Anhänger für Fla Rakete Wasserfall (Sd. Ah. 319) (derivated B 3 C chassis)
Anhänger (B3) 4,5t, offen (Ah. 313)
Anhänger (B3) 4,5t, geschlossen (Ah. 363) (and derivates)

(Image from D. (Luft) T. 8800/5)






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