




Infanteriekarren (If. 8)






The Infanteriekarren – infantry cart – (If. 8) was introduced after the experience of the first campaigns in 1941. It was made mainly of sheet steel and could carry a payload of 350 kg. In the course of war, the Infanteriekarren (If. 8) became an indispensable mean of carriage of the infantry units.









Initially, pneumatic tyres with steel-spoke and steel-disc rims were used. Beginning late in 1942, steel-spoke wheels with all steel tread were introduced. Wooden-spoke wheels were introduced in 1944 to save raw materials. (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)









Beginning in late 1943, the Infanteriekarren (If. 8) was used for transportation of up to six 8,8 cm R-Panzerbüchsen 54 as well as a part of the ammunition. The remaining ammunition was carried along in an additional If. 8. (Image from Merkblatt 77/2)






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