




kleiner Heeresfeldwagen (Hf. 3)






The kleiner Heeresfeldwagen - small army field wagon - (Hf. 3) was introduced as kleiner Proviantwagen 16 - small supplies wagon 16 - in an unsprung and a spring-suspended version in 1916. After World War I, it was taken over by the Reichswehr. The illustrated wagon is a Fernsprechwagen - signals wagon - which was designated by the Reichswehr as kleiner Fernsprechwagen - small signals wagon - (Hf. 3/2). (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)









The Hf. 3 how it was illustrated in the manual H.Dv. 476/1. With the A.H.M. 1936, Blatt 12 from 18th May 1936, No. 308 it was announced that the wooden shafts used so far ought to be replaced by shafts made from steel.






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