




Stoewer M 12 RW






In total 900 exemplars of the Stoewer M 12 RW were manufactured from 1935 to 1936. It was propelled by an eight-cylinder, three litres petrol engine with a power of 60 HP. This Stoewer M 12 RW as Nachrichtenkraftwagen - signals vehicle - (Kfz. 15) was photographed in a German town.









A further Stoewer M 12 RW as Kfz. 15. It seems that the main part of the Stoewer M 12 RW was used as Kfz. 15. The cross-country mobility of this type was modest and the cooling was a little to small dimensioned.






Stoewer M 12 RW spät WL-221549, Hoppe



Only a few exemplars of the late serial model of the Stoewer M 12 RW Kübelwagen were made. Besides the doors made of sheet steel, the front mudguards differed from the series. This configuration was typical for Kübelwagen made in 1936/37.









This damaged vehicle is a late serial model of the Stoewer M 12 RW Kübelwagen, too. The vehicle was used by a unit of the Wehrmacht.






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