




Magirus L 145 / L 150






The Magirus types L 145 and L 150 replaced the types M 45 / M 50 beginning in 1938. The L 145 had a payload of 4.5 tons and a wheelbase of 4.8 m, the L 150 had 5 tons payload and a wheelbase of 5.3 m. This Magirus L 145 was used for fuel supply. These heavy lorries were hardly suitable for the service in the Wehrmacht.









The Magirus L 145 was made for the Wehrmacht, too. These vehicles are identifiable by the open standard driver’s cab of the Wehrmacht.









This Magirus L 145 with box body was used as field post wagon. Depending on the usage, such superstructures could have windows or not.









Magirus L 145 with fuel tank were rare. The illustrated vehicle of the Organisation Todt was photographed in Brussels in Juli 1940. It was on its way to Dunkirk.






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