




schwerer geländegängiger Personenkraftwagen (6-rad) (Kfz. 21)
mit Fahrgestell des l. gl. Lkw. (o)



Krupp Protze Cabrio Hebmüller WH-464017, Oswald



An unknown number of schwere geländegängige Personenkraftwagen (6-rad) - heavy cross country passenger cars (6 wheels) - (Kfz. 21) was made based on the Krupp L 2 H 143 chassis. The car body was made by Hebmüller. At first, the vehicles had a high engine bonnet which was similar to the engine bonnet of the first prototypes of the Krupp L 2 H 43.









In action photos of the s. gl. Pkw. (6rad) (Kfz. 21) mit Fahrgestell des l. gl. Lkw. (o) are very rare. At least ten of such cars are visible in this photo. The vehicles belonged to Führer-Begleit-Bataillon.






Krupp Protze Cabrio WH-683178, Hoppe



An interesting detail is visible in this photo of a later serial vehicle. The engine bonnet is not the same as the one used for the Krupp L 2 H 143. It was less steep and higher at the front which can be seen by the additional ventilation slots. If a stronger engine was used or only a stronger engine should be simulated could not be clarified. In most cases, stronger engines were used for such cabriolets. So it is conceivable that the stronger 70 HP engine of the Krupp L 2 H 243 was used.






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