




Pionierkraftwagen I (old design)
[m. gl. Lkw. (o)]






One of the first variants of the Henschel Type 33, which was developed by the Reichswehr, was the Pionierkraftwagen - engineer motor vehicle - I. This variant is identifiable by the raised dropsides. Until now, this variant could only be proven based on the Henschel Type 33 B 1 and Henschel Type 33 D 1.









Two crew benches were arranged on the platform in longitudinal direction. Under the benches, there were several storing compartments which were accessible from the outside. Further storing compartments were arranged behind the back rests which were accessible from above. According to the A.H.M. 1936, Blatt 5 from 20th February 1936, the Pi. Kw. I were combat vehicles with special cabinets. Because these could be damaged during logistical drives, such drives were forbidden.









The crew could enter or leave the platform at the rear over a ladder (design a) (see the image in the middle). According to the H.V.Bl. 1936, No. 7 vom 10th March 1936, ser. No. 243, only Pi. Kw. I with doors in the rear wall of the superstructure (design b) were delivered since 1st April 1936 (see the lowest image). It seams that an announced order for the conversion of the vehicles in stock was not published. Because this superstructure design didn’t succeed, it was ordered in the H.V.Bl. 1937, No. 14 from 24th April 1937, ser. No. 445,  that the Pi. Kw. I had to be converted to the new design of the Pionierkraftwagen I until the 30th June 1937.






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