




Mannschafts-Entgiftungskraftwagen (Kfz. 92, 92b, 92/1)
mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)






The Mannschafts-Entgiftungskraftwagen - personnel decontamination motor vehicle - (Kfz. 92, 92b, 92/1), abbreviated Mannsch. Eg. Kw. (Kfz. 92, 92b, 92/1), could only be proven based on the chassis of the Henschel Type 33. Contaminated persons could be decontaminated outwardly by use of showers. The shower room was in the centre of the box body.









According to the loading plan, a Hawig swimmer-pump with accessories and hoses as well as drums containing Losantin decontamination powder were stored in the lockers on the right side. Rubber suits and other equipment of the crew was stored in the lockers on the left side of the superstructure.









This Mannsch. Eg. Kw. (Kfz. 92) is the Baumuster 1939 of this variant. The entrance to the shower room was at the rear of the superstructure. This design corresponds to the image shown in D 601+ from 14th June 1939. The Bauausführung 1941 illustrated above was designated Kfz. 92b (D 1119/4 from 30th July 1941). The Mannsch. Eg. Kw. is desugnated as Kfz. 92/1 in the D 1126 from 1st December 1942 but the illustrations in the manual show the Bauausführung 1941, too.






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