




Kfz. 72 - nicht identifizierter Verwendungszweck
mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)



Henschel 33 Kfz 72 unklar WH-148239, Aubrat via Hoppe



Despite all effort, not all superstructure variants based on the Henschel type 33 could be identified. This Kfz. 72 is most probably a variant of the Fernschreibkraftwagens (Kfz. 72).









The right side of a vehicle of the same type. Observe the mountings for a marshalling pannel on the edge of the roof typical for a Fernschreibkraftwagen (Kfz. 72)









Also the usage of this Kfz. 72 could not be identified so far. It correspons to non of the known loading plans. Who can provide information about this Kfz. 72 variant?






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