




Deutz F 2 M 315 / M 317



Deutz F2 M315 WL-149964, Hoppe



The Deutz F 2 M 315 was made in nearly 12,000 exemplars beginning in 1934. It was the most numerous Deutz tractor with the new block-construction. Besides the agricultural tractor, a universal tractor and a commercial tractor for roads were offered. This Deutz F 2 M 315 was used by a unit of the Luftwaffe.






Deutz F2 M317, Zöllner via Hoppe



Likewise used by a unit of the Luftwaffe was this Deutz F 2 M 317 wheeled tractor of the late model with full covering. The type series M 315 and M 317 differed mainly by the used engines. Mainly wheeled tractors for good roads were made of the M 317.






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