




Tatra 27, 27 a, 27 b, 27/64, 27 H






The Tatra 27 was manufactured from 1930 to 1943. Like the illustrated Tatra 27 a were many of them taken over by the German Wehrmacht. The Tatra 27 and 27 a had tyres in single arrangement on the rear axle.









This Tatra 27 a bogged down. Despite the overal look, the Tatra 27 was not a cross-country vehicle and had not all-wheel drive.









The Tatra 27 b had rear wheels with dual-tyre arrangement. The illustrated vehicle was used as maintenance motor vehicle with crane superstructure by the II. SS-Panzerkorps. The photo was made in August 1943. The Tatra 27/64 was propelled by a diesel engine and the Tatra 27 H was equipped with an Imbert wood gas device.






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