




Selbstfahrlafette (Sd. Kfz. 10/5)
Fahrgestell des le. Zgkw. 1t mit 2 cm Flak 38






The designation Sd. Kfz. 10/5 für 2 cm Flak 38 appeared first in October 1943. Possibly this designation was introduced to seperate the vehicles armed with the 2 cm Flak 30 from the vehicles armed with the 2 cm Flak 38. A broarder platform was developed for the 2 cm Flak 38. As a result, the mudguards over the tracks were now broarder at the rear edge. (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)









Beginning in 1942, some Sd. Kfz. 10/5 received armour protection in front of the radiator and the driver’s compartment. This made combat against enemy ground forces easier. The photo was made in winter 1943/44. (Photo: German federal archive via Wikimedia Commons; License: Creative Commons BY-SA-3.0-gb)






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