Tankspritze (Kfz. 343) mit Fahrgestell des m. gl. Lkw. (o)
The Tankspritze - fire tank waggon - (Kfz. 343), abbreviated TS 2.5 resp. Ts 2.5a (Kfz. 343), based on the Henschel type 33 FA 1 was quite frequent. It had a water reserve of 2,500 litres.
The Ts 2.5 had a folding top while the Ts 2.5a had a hardtop which can be seen in the illustrated photo.
The Tankspritze (Kfz. 343) based on the chassis of the Mercedes-Benz LG 3000 was very rare. Until now, no further chassis for the Ts. 2,5 (Kfz. 343) could be identified.
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