Tankograd - Wehrmacht Special & Soviet Special
Besides the Tankograd Militärfahrzeug series, which contains only single articles on the Wehrmacht subject, the Tankograd Wehrmacht Special is published by the publisher Jochen Vollert. Soviet vehicles captured by the Wehrmacht are treated in the Soviet Special series. All in all, these series are well done but there are notable differences concerning the researched information from author to author. Conclusion: Recommendable as photo source with faulty content in some cases. Language: German and English.
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Cover page:

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 2007: Soviet Trucks of World War 2 Jim Kinnear, Jochen Vollert 64 sides 2009
Very interesting volume on the topic. Well researched, therefore recommendable.

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 4001: Deutsche Fahrzeugraritäten (1) Henry Hoppe 64 sides 2004
Very interesting selection of topics from the Imperial Army to the Wehrmacht. Well researched information, therefore recommendable.

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 4002: Deutsche Fahrzeugraritäten (2) Henry Hoppe 64 sides 2004
Very interesting selection of topics from the Imperial Army to the Wehrmacht. Well researched information, therefore recommendable.

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 4003: Deutsche Fahrzeugraritäten (3) Henry Hoppe 64 sides 2005
Very interesting selection of topics from the Imperial Army to the Wehrmacht. Well researched information, therefore recommendable.

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 4004: Britische LKW im Dienste der Wehrmacht Jochen Vollert 64 sides 2005
Very interesting volume on the topic. Well researched, therefore recommendable.

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 4010: Panzerspähwagen Sd. Kfz. 231/232 - Schwere 6-Rad / 8-Rad Spähwagen und ihre Abarten Henry Hoppe 64 sides 2008
Very interesting volume on the topic. Well researched, but outdated in some places. Therefore still recommendable.

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 4011: Kettenkrad Henry Hoppe & Jochen Vollert 64 sides 2008
Very interesting volume on the topic. Well researched, therefore recommendable.

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 4013: Panzerattrappen Jochen Vollert 64 sides 2009
Very interesting volume on the topic. Well researched, therefore recommendable.

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 4014: Panzerspähwagen Sd. Kfz. 221/222/223 - Leichte 4-Rad Panzerspähwagen und ihre Abarten Markus Zöllner 64 sides 2009
Contains many outdated information and some dubious captions. Because of the many good and formerly unpublished photos recommendable as photo source.

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 4015: Opel Blitz 3-Tonner Henry Hoppe 64 sides 2010
Very interesting volume on the topic. Well researched but shortcomings by the identification of special superstructures. Nevertheless recommendable.

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 4017: Einheits-Diesel Henry Hoppe 64 sides 2011
Very interesting volume on the topic. Well researched but shortcomings by the identification of special superstructures. Nevertheless recommendable.

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 4018: Henschel 33 Henry Hoppe 64 sides 2012
Very interesting volume on the topic. Well researched but shortcomings by the identification of special superstructures. Nevertheless recommendable.

Title: Author: Volume: Year of release:
No. 4021: Einheits-Pkw leicht - mittel - schwer Jochen Vollert 80 sides 2017
Very interesting volume on the topic. Well researched, recommendable.
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