Panzer Tracts
The Panzer Tracts series was started by Thomas L Jentz and Hilary Louis Doyle who are probably the most competent experts for special motor vehicles of the Wehrmacht at present. Besides plentiful and excellent researched information – which often puts away long-cherished legends – numerous historical photos and scale drawings can be found. This is currently the best researched series about the subject worldwide.
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Cover side:

Title: Volume: Year of release:
No. 13: Panzerspaehwagen - Armored cars Sd. Kfz. 3 to Sd. Kfz. 263 60 sides 2001
A bit compressed extent. The chapters of some vehicles could be a bit longer.

Volume: Year of release:
No. 13-1: Leichter Panzerspaehwagen (Sd.Kfz. 221, 222 and 223) and kleiner Panzerfunkwagen (Sd.Kfz. 260 and 261) 72 sides 2011
Lengthy and probably the best volume on the subject with a multiplicity of new information.

Volume: Year of release:
No. 13-2: Schwerer Panzerspaehwagen Sd. Kfz. 231 (8 Rad), 232 (8 Rad), and 233 and Panzerfunkwagen Sd.Kfz. 263 (8 Rad) 56 sides 2011
Lengthy and probably the best volume on the subject with a multiplicity of new information.

Title: Volume: Year of release:
No. 15-1: Leichter Schuetzenpanzerwagen (Sd. Kfz. 250) Ausf. A & B 84 sides 2008
Lengthy and probably the best volume on the subject with a multiplicity of new information.

Title: Volume: Year of release:
No. 15-2: Mittlerer Schuetzenpanzerwagen (Sd. Kfz. 251) 56 sides 2005
Comprehensive and probably the best volume on the subject with a multiplicity of new information.

Title: Volume: Year of release:
No. 15-3: Mittlerer Schuetzenpanzerwagen (Sd. Kfz. 251) Ausf. C & D 80 sides 2006
Lengthy and probably the best volume on the subject with a multiplicity of new information.

Title: Volume: Year of release:
No. 15-4: Volketten M.S.P. Kätzchen and final developments of the Schützenpanzerwagen (Sd. Kfz. 251) 80 sides 2016
Lengthy and probably the best volume on the subject with a multiplicity of new information.

Title: Volume: Year of release:
No. 22-1: Leichter Zugkraftwagen 1 t (Sd. Kfz. 10) Ausf. A & B and Variants 64 sides 2009
Lengthy and probably the best volume on the subject with a multiplicity of new information.

Title: Volume: Year of release:
No. 22-2: Leichter Zugkraftwagen 3 t (Sd. Kfz. 11) and Variants 84 sides 2009
Lengthy and probably the best volume on the subject with a multiplicity of new information.

Title: Volume: Year of release:
No. 22-3: Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 5 t (Sd. Kfz. 6) and Schwerer Wehrmachtsschlepper 56 sides 2010
Lengthy and probably the best volume on the subject with a multiplicity of new information.

Title: Volume: Year of release:
No. 22-4: Mittlerer Zugkraftwagen 8 t (Sd. Kfz. 7) 87 sides 2013
Lengthy and probably the best volume on the subject with a multiplicity of new information.

Title: Volume: Year of release:
No. 22-5: Gepanzerter 8t Zugkraftwagen & Sfl. Flak (Sd. Kfz. 7) 87 sides 2014
Lengthy and probably the best volume on the subject with a multiplicity of new information.
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