The Typenkompass (type-compass) series is limited to the presentation of the essential information. Nearly all types are presented with their specification and single photos. The photos originate mainly from historical promotional brochures. Besides these, some factory own photos are used. Overall, a good overall view and very helpful for the identification of vehicle types.
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Cover page:

Title: Author: Year of release: Volume: Size:
Büssing Lastwagen 1903-1971 Wolfgang H. Gebhardt 1st edition, 2001 144 sides ca. 14 x 20.5 cm

Title: Author: Year of release: Volume: Size:
Faun Lastwagen 1916-1988 Wolfgang H. Gebhardt 1st edition, 2006 128 sides ca. 14 x 20.5 cm

Title: Author: Year of release: Volume: Size:
MAN Nutzfahrzeuge Seit 1915 Wolfgang Westerwelle 1st edition, 2010 128 sides ca. 14 x 20.5 cm

Title: Author: Year of release: Volume: Size:
Zündapp 1922-1984 Andy Schwietzer 2nd edition, 2015 128 sides ca. 14 x 20.5 cm

Title: Author: Year of release: Volume: Size:
Bespannte Fahrzeuge des deutschen Heeres bis 1945 Wolfgang Fleischer 1st edition, 2011 128 sides ca. 14 x 20.5 cm

Title: Author: Year of release: Volume: Size:
Deutsche Heeresfahrzeuge Anhänger und Sonderanhänger bis 1945 Wolfgang Fleischer 1st edition, 2015 128 sides ca. 14 x 20.5 cm
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