Schrader Motor-Chronik
The books of the series Schrader Motor-Chronik are mainly based on historical advertising brochures. Historical photos are only rarely seen in these books. Cause of the small number of pages, one can’t expect a complete technical history. Therefore, these books are just recommendable as additional source material because of the rarely seen historical advertising brochures.
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Cover page:

Title: Author: Year of release: Volume: Size:
Schrader Motor Chronik: Büssing Lastwagen und Omnibusse 1903-1971 Wolfgang H. Gebhardt 1st edition, 2007 188 sides ca. 17.5 x 16.5 cm

Title: Author: Year of release: Volume: Size:
Schrader Motor Chronik Band 77: FAUN Lastwagen, Omnibusse, Kommunalfahrzeuge 1918-1995 Wolfgang H. Gebhardt 1st edition, 1997 96 sides ca. 21 x 19.5 cm

Title: Author: Year of release: Volume: Size:
Schrader Motor Chronik Band 125: VOMAG - Lastwagen aus dem Vogtland Christian Suhr 1st edition, 2004 96 sides ca. 21 x 19.5 cm
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