The Militärfahrzeug series of the well-known author Walter J. Spielberger is benchmarking for decades. This series is still one of the best series dealing with the motor vehicles of the Reichswehr, Wehrmacht amd Bundeswehr. The content of the older volumes is partially outdated whereas the newer volumes are up to date. (Language: German; Size: ca. 23.5 x 27 cm)
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Cover page:

Title: Year of release: Volume:
Militärfahrzeuge Band 4: Die gepanzerten Radfahrzeuge des deutschen Heeres 1905 - 1945 4th edition, 1997 176 sides
Good total view with partially outdated content.

Title: Year of release: Volume:
Militärfahrzeuge Band 6: Die Halbketten-Fahrzeuge des deutschen Heeres 1909 - 1945 4th edition, 1993 172 sides
Good total view with partially outdated content.

Title: Year of release: Volume:
Militärfahrzeuge Band 10: Die Rad- und Volketten-Zugmaschinen des deutschen Heeres 1871-1945 3rd edition, 1995 216 sides
Good total view with partially outdated content.

Year of release: Volume:
Militärfahrzeuge Band 11: Die Panzer-Kampfwagen 35(t) und 38(t) und ihre Abarten einschließlich der tschechoslowakischen Heeresmotorisierung 1920 - 1945 2nd edition, 1990 408 sides
Comprehensive total view of the subject.

Title: Year of release: Volume:
Militärfahrzeuge Band 12: Beute-Kraftfahrzeuge und -Panzer der deutschen Wehrmacht 3rd edition, 1999 324 sides
Comprehensive total view of the subject. Not armoured wheeled vehicles are a bit underrepresented.
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